Wake Up with Purpose

Wake Up with Purpose As it gets colder, we are finding it harder to wake up and the mornings are somewhat, slower. I have recently joined the 5am club which hasn’t been as bad as it sounds. I have been super productive even though I crash early in the evenings (like 20:30 sleep time but I try to push it to 21:00). Seriously, if you don’t set intentions for your days, this winter snap will have you staying in bed or just mindlessly floating from task to task. Just a thought. We are stoked to announce two new stockists this...
Cupid Called, Love is Here

New Year, New Month, New Goals Yes, we are a tad late to the party but hey, better late than never. Happy 2021, how are you all doing? It still feels like 2020 but let’s just leave it at that. We are optimistic that this will not be entirely a dumpster fire of a year — it always gets dark before the light, right? We are starting to see the light. It’s the love month. Personally, I have never actually celebrated Valentine’s Day - not sure why really. This year, I think we need a little extra love, don’t you...
'Tis the Season || We Made It

It’s Almost Holiday Time So many of you are gearing up for the Summer Break/Festive Season but so many, due to the pandemic, will be working during this period! We still need to be mindful of the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic so we all need to play our part and be responsible. Durban is already getting crowded with some holiday makers so we are going to be laying low for the holiday season, spending time with loved ones at home. With that said, we will close on the 18th of December 2020 and we...
Things Are Getting Festive and it's Only October

Howsit Going? Liking the Spring Rain? We always expect sunshine and blooming flowers, hey? It's Durban's rainy and unpredictable season. However, don't let the weather rain on your parade, we can put on our wellingtons and enjoy level 1 of lockdown. There is so much happening this month (I feel as though I say that every month - do I?) Africa's First Virtual Reality Market with LMDA I don't know about you but this fascinates me. Mare & Itis Shoppe will be participating in Africa's very first virtual reality market. The event has been postponed due to some technicalities but...
Keeping It Together this July || Wellness + Growth

What a year this month has been! At times, it feels as though the days are moving at a snail's pace then boom! It's a new month! It slowly creeps up on you. I had to dig through my vision board and things are looking a little, uhm...let's say, slow. Obviously, with the pandemic, there was a change in focus so looking at my quarterly goals made it seem like I sat back and enjoyed cooking during the lock down, but honestly, I think it's the busiest I have ever been. So much has happened. If you have been following us...